Reflections of a resident fellow

- Patricia

}Photo by Software Sustainability Institute

In October 2022, I was one of the lucky people invited to explore a Resident Fellowship with OLS. In the announcement blog, I claimed that I wanted to achieve the following with my Fellowship:

“Patricia will work on a new module on open source software and growing the OLS fellows community. She also plans to explore consultancy services and is always up for well-facilitated and interesting virtual events.”

So 10 months later, how did it go? What have I achieved and learned? This blog summarises my Resident Fellow journey.


Personal development

In May 2023, I also started supporting OLS with some financial administration. I’m very glad that my Fellowship performance meant I was trusted with paying honoraria and taking on the processing of microgrants.

The one area in which I was not successful (yet) is developing a consultancy offer for OLS. I have started working with Malvika on ideas though, so this will come, I just did not quite manage in my Fellowship period. In parallel to my Fellowship with OLS, I started as an independent consultant and working with OLS really helped with my first consultancy project. I can say that OLS certainly delivered in preparing me for leadership as I’m much more confident and clear about what I want to do in the Open Science space in the future. And I hope it will continue to include the awesome community here :-).

The image is courtesy of the Software Sustainability Institute and licensed CC BY 4.0.