Welcome to Open Seeds OLS-8 Cohort - which includes an Africa in-person trial run!

- Paz


We have launched Open Seeds OLS-8 Cohort, our signature open science mentoring and training program.

This is a 16-week long mentorship and cohort-based training, where participants (organisers, hosts, mentors and project leads/mentees) share their expertise and gain knowledge essential for running open science projects, connect with members across communities, backgrounds, and identities, and empower each other to become effective open science ambassadors in their communities.

Participants join this program individually or in teams, with projects they either are already working on or want to start developing during the program.

An Africa in-person trial run

Importantly, as part of this 8th version, we are also launching a trial run in Kenya and South Africa. This trial run involves up to four in-person mentorship sessions for a maximum of three selected participant projects from each country.

A maximum of 3 projects from Kenya and 3 from South Africa will be admitted into the trial run. If more projects from these countries apply and get selected for Open Seeds, a second selection process for the trial run will take place.

The goal, learning objectives, timelines, and schedules can be found on OLS’s website.

For applicants in Kenya, it is essential to note that to be considered for the in-person mentorship support, projects must be related to bioinformatics as well as open science. Open Seeds will collaborate with the Bioinformatics Hub of Kenya Initiative (BHKi) to support the mentorship program. BHKi is a hub dedicated to bridging the gap between bioinformatics experts and aspiring bioinformaticians achieved through mentorship, training, and fostering collaborations within the Kenyan bioinformatics community.

In the case of South Africa, we specially invite social sciences and humanities projects as additional support will be provided via the ESCALATOR programme hosted by the South African Centre for Digital Language Resources. ESCALATOR supports the development of a South African community of practice in digital humanities and computational social sciences. Successful project team members may be invited to the DH-IGNITE events to present their projects.

All other eligibility criteria for Open Seeds apply.

Application webinar

For more information, please join us in the incoming Open Seeds application webinar on Friday, 9th June, 10am UTC. This call will be recorded and later uploaded to YouTube.

To attend this webinar, please register

We encourage interested individuals or teams to apply and take advantage of this unique mentorship and professional development opportunity.